Microchipping for Cats

A grain-sized chip that provides lifetime ID for your cat, ensuring a reunion in case they get lost.

Whether you are a lifelong cat owner or are a first-time cat parent, you already know how quick and sly they can be. All it takes is a few seconds for a cat to get away from their home and become lost. Collars or tags are a decent enough option, but they can come off or they can wear down. These days, microchips are your best bet at a happy reunion. Call us at 250-475-2287 to learn more.

How do pet microchips work?

Microchips are small grain-sized devices where we can store your contact info and your pet’s vital health info. It can be scanned by veterinary teams like ours or animal shelters in the event your pet is found. This way, if your cat is lost, those who find them will have a way of reaching out to you. It is not like a GPS in the sense that it will not give you a real-time picture of your pet’s location. Pet microchips work mostly like a permanent and digital ID.

Do indoor cats need to be microchipped?

Yes! It is always best to be prepared for the unexpected. Even if your cat is exclusively an indoor cat, they can still escape through an open door or window. Other factors such as natural disasters or emergencies can also potentially separate you from your indoor cat.

Are there side effects to microchipping a cat?

Not at all. The microchip is made of material that is compatible with your cat’s body, and designed to stay intact all throughout their life. Inserting the chip itself is also painless. It will feel like any other injection and most pets do not need any anesthesia during the process. Minor redness and swelling is normal around the insertion site but will subside within a matter of hours or days. The chip is typically placed under your cat’s skin, in between their shoulder blades.

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